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Assessing Physical Damage and Accepting the Importance of Exercise Part 2

Slowly but Surely…
In fact “slowly but surely” was probably what motivated Denise Austin to come up with her popular one-minute exercises (more on this in a later section).2 She had two types of people in mind when she designed the one-minute movements:
1. Uninitiated
2. People on the go.
It’s a quickie society we live in; we want everything quick – especially exercise! – and many converts would be willing to include it in their routine for the sake of health, if there were a quick way to get in, and certainly a quick to get out.

Benefits of Exercise
If you make exercise part of your day, Denise Austin believes you’ll already experience some noticeable benefits. These include:
􀀹 Waking up in the morning feeling refreshed
􀀹 Walking with a sprightly gait
􀀹 Having energy left at the end of the day
􀀹 Feeling more optimistic about recreation
􀀹 Sleeping more soundly at night

MORE Benefits of Exercise!
The benefits above are general. Let’s examine the more specific benefits of exercise on specific parts of the human anatomy, as described by Goldberg and Elliot:
􀀹 Exercise prevents heart disease!
The average ratio of total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) is about 4.5. If this ratio doubles or reaches 7, you double your chances of developing coronary heart disease. You reduce that risk by as much as 50% if your ratio is 3 or lower.
The lowdown on cholesterol: not all cholesterol is bad. You have the good one (HDL-1 and HDL-2), the not so bad one (VLDL) and the harmful one (LDL). To get your ratios, divide the total amount of your cholesterol by your amount of HDL. The lower the ratio you have, the better.

􀀹 Exercise prevents osteoporosis!
Ponder the statistics: 28 million Americans have osteoporosis and of this number, 80% are women. Only ¼ of this 80% know they have the condition and only half are being treated. The annual osteoporosis bill to the United States is $14 billion.
Studies have shown that sufficient amounts of calcium and regular exercise build strong bones. While genetics play a major role in developing the risks of osteoporosis, individuals can control some factors that will help prevent the problem.
Peak bone mass is attained in your 20’s. Starting an exercise program while still young, even if you live in the fast lane, will help you avoid this bone disease.

􀀹 Exercise prevents diabetes!
People are still debating how much exercise an individual needs, but for people with type 2 diabetes, exercising three or more times a week improves fitness and blood sugar levels. If you have type 2 diabetes and are overweight, exercise done with the following parameters would be of tremendous benefit: intensity of 60%-70% maximal heart rate, with duration of 30 or more minutes, 4-7 days each week.4
The above benefits are only a few of the many advantages that an exercise/fitness regimen will provide.

There have been hundreds of documented reports that reveal how people’s lives have significantly improved and the remarkable transformation that their bodies experience after they made the decision to take ownership of their weight and fat problems.
In fact, Diane Rinehart (former Toronto magazine editor and writer) wrote in the Montreal Gazette on December 12, 2005:
“What we’re hearing about…is waiting times in emergency and operating rooms for ailments such as hip replacements, heart surgery and amputations. That’s a shame because the fact is, if we dealt with obesity, we wouldn’t be facing the epidemics of heart disease, stroke, arthritis and diabetes that clog our hospital waiting rooms and OR’s.”


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